Search for a patient and access their information.
The website is designed to be used by a receptionist. The receptionist will be able to create and remove patients. Create and remove appointments. Search for individual patients and update their personal information. The 3 tabs at the bottom of the website add/remove patients and add appointments. If you want to update a patient's personal information you can click on that patients attribute you want to change and enter the new information into the text box that appears and hit the update button. If you would like to remove an appointment you can click on the appointment and hit the remove button.
Input constraints The insurance number field must be 9 digits long and can not start with a 0. Appointment times must be in the form of yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss. Duration times can be either 60 min or 90 min. All other fields are subject to user input and can be formatted any way the user wishes.
Limitations The receptionist will NOT be able to change the medication type or quantity that a patient can receive. While we have hardcoded that information to some of our patients in the database, updating it and changing it via the website is not within the scope of this project.